New Old Dealer Stock!

Unique Find:

We acquired some new old dealer stock (NOS) at an auction and are passing the savings along to you! The packaging may be old and out-dated and may show signs of storage but this is a new unused and unopened product originally made by us. And we will still honor the factory warranty! Limited Supply:


"Classic Cat Original"
Fog-Free Helmet Mask
Stops All Helmet Breath Fogging in Cold Weather!
Even Eyeglasses!!


ARCTIC CAT® Adult / NO-FOG® USA Brand #AMX Mask - Black

Brand new NOS (New/Old Dealer Stock)

Packaging might look dated but this is a brand new unopened never used NEW PRODUCT

Save Big Bucks on this product.

And fits most all helmets* - Universal in function.

"Total" anti-fog mask system for your helmet!

Attached moisture wicking top balaclava which makes wearing this NO-FOG® really convenient. A Total Breath Deflector™ with all the muscle to combat helmet fog. And of course all the great NO-FOG® features you've come to demand over the years. Like Zero-50 Fog™ and Dry Face™ technology. And no damp mouth while breathing in cold weather while wearing your helmet!


bulletMade in the USA by NO-FOG® USA for ARCTIC CAT®.
bulletMoisture wicking comfortably attached balaclava for easy wearing.
bulletBottom fleece neck extension for addition warmth cut to fit shoulders.
bulletOver the head and behind neck Velcro® for quick on and off wearing.
bulletWear with all helmets. Full face, Open face, Modular and Snocross with Goggles.


"This Anti-Fog mask can be worn with complete confidence inside most any Full-face, Open face, Modular or Motocross/goggle snowmobile helmet*."

The front NO-FOG® soft deflector actually form-fits (flexes & conforms) within the confines of your helmet, creating a custom fit high performance breath deflector. Better and more efficient than any helmet breath box.

This #AMX mask is made from soft warm Micro-Fleece™ neoprene with over the head and behind neck Velcro® closure for quickly on and off wearing. Comfortable to wear. Moisture wicking. Stay warm in the cold while riding!

Attached top balaclava provides head and with bottom fleece neck coverage.

Vintage MSRP $125


Your Size:

Large for neck sizing of 15"-18" (38-45cm).


*Cold weather use helmets need extra room to fit a balaclava, etc. (compared to a summer motorcycle or other helmet). Always wear the proper size and allow breath to exit outside bottom of helmet. If so equipped, remove helmet chin screen & breath box. Check over your headwear once received the 1st time (in front of a mirror) to check fit before riding. Be smart. Study what's going on and follow instructions for top performance... And know the definition of helmet Breath Fog.

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Trademarks, Logo's and OEM names are owned by their respective company's and we are not affiliated with them. Photos were acquired from internet open sources or packaging. All sales on auction NOS product are final and not returnable without a return authorization.

More auction sales on other brands and products coming soon... Stay Tuned!