#7B &
BX Binary™
U.S. List $54.99
A lot
of riders grew up wearing
this model so we bring back an old favorite!
Stops breath fogging*
of eyeglasses, helmet shields (visors) & goggles down to -40° wind chill when
used properly.
Wear* on your face inside most any
Motorsports helmet. With or
without any balaclava for different weather and/or layered riding conditions. The three key elements of this
retro mask are:
Features a "retro" facial seal of
soft stretchy medical grade neoprene. Soft and forgiving on your face. Excellent
feel but not moisture wicking.
+1 (original style) front breath deflector. Fits most all cold weather Motorsports helmets.
Top color strap may vary.
dry on your face like our newer masks are. Older technology. Other
features similar as with #7D.
Perfectly forms to the inside of
most any helmet for a customized fit
breath deflector creating a seal around nose, mouth & face. All breath exits
outside bottom of helmet for fog-free viewing. Fits most full face, open face,
modular and motocross helmets with goggles.
removable by Velcro® upper head Z-Strap™
for complete head adjustability. Full
instructions included.
Large for neck size of 12"-18" (30-45cm) and XL
for neck size of 18"-20"
is a thumbs up! I can see again while riding in cold temps. Fantastic.
Stacy, G., Vermont
know this model doesn't have the Dry Face™ feature, but I still love
the way it fits my face just like my old trusty NO-FOG® from years back
when I started riding. Ben K., Minnesota
Get the latest made in USA product. Tested in Alaska & Canada tech advancements
in clear vision only from Team NO-FOG® USA Brand.
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Industry News...
".....Studies performed by 3M (makers of Thinsulate® Insulation) have shown that one quarter of your bodies heat loss is through breathing. Every time you take a breath and exhale, you are sucking cold air into and pumping heat out of your body. No matter how good your clothing, no matter how good your wind protection, you will still lose 25% of your body heat through breathing." Not good for cold weather survival.
NO-FOG® Brand of Masks help warm inhaled air with just the right amount of humidity for retaining body heat, cardiovascular relief & lung function in cold weather.
Just another great reason
to wear a breath deflector mask
while riding in cold weather this winter....
Try any of
our NO-FOG® Masks and
see a difference!
weather helmets need extra room to fit a balaclava, etc. (compared to a summer
motorcycle). Always wear
the proper size and allow breath to exit outside bottom of helmet. If so equipped, remove helmet chin
screen & breath box.
Check over your headwear the 1st time (in front of a mirror) to check fit before riding. Be smart. Study
what's going on and follow
instructions for top performance... And know the definition of
breath fog. ©2023 NO-FOG® USA.
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